Discover The Tool

Explore the tool with some example demo files

Uncover Insight

Choose one or multiple csv files to be processed. The first row needs to contain your fieldnames. Once done, hit that profile button..

Paste From Excel

You can also copy and paste straight from Excel into the text box. Need a bit more help? Contact us!

Let's Get Started!
  • Choose one of our Demo files OR import any csv file(s) you have ready to be processed.
  • Once done click the “Upload Files” button.
Demo 1 - Company Contacts

This demo contains contact information for corporate customers or suppliers. There are some duplicates on email address, sparse columns and generally interesting data to explore.

Demo 2 - Real estate sales data

For anyone who has ever been interested in buying or selling properties, this contains data on sales in 2020. You can see there are some issues one can track down on the data quality side and otherwise is interesting to just see what house prices were like!

Demo 3 - Retail Product Data

For anyone having to go through tables with a classic variety of product properties, this one is for you. Presented with warts and all, trying to stay close to real life.

Data Sets

DB 1

SQL Server


CSV File

Data Set Profile Results

Key Insights

# of Fields


(3 *ignored) ignored

(2 severe)

# of Records


(7 duplicates)

# Failed


Sparse or Empty


Avg Completion


# Complete


Master Data Findings

Data Set Changes

Key Changes

Name Changes


Type Changes


Volatile Fields




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